April 15, 2021 | Glastonbury, CT
We applied our innovative waterproofing / vapor barrier system for a complete and permanent solution. Exterior digging and excavation were not necessary.
October 15, 2020 | West Hartford, CT
We applied our state-of-the-art / innovative waterproofing solution to penetrate the substrate and seal the foundation permanently from inside. Disruptive and expensive exterior digging -- and excavation -- were not necessary.
July 15, 2020 | Plainville, CT
We install a sump-pump with-area trap for water under the concrete floor slab. To finish it up we applied our state-of-the-art / innovative waterproofing solution to penetrate the concrete floor/wall and seal permanently from inside. Disruptive and expensive interior digging -- for a perimeter drain -- was not necessary after ...
March 15, 2020 | New Britain, CT
We scarified and grinded the wall area to prepare it for the seal. We build-up and re-surfaced the wall with our unique modified-mortar material. We then applied our state-of-the-art / innovative waterproofing solution to penetrate the concrete foundation wall and floor- to- wall joint. We sealed and permanently stopped the leaks ...
Total: 19