March 1, 2022 | White Plains, NY
We first ground the crack and scarify the area. We then widen the crack increase the surface for sealing. The area was then primed. When then injected with crack with Infiltrete. Finally, we waterproofed and sealed it, applying a top finishing coat. The process restored the concrete so that it ...
November 15, 2021 | Mystic, CT
We grinded and prepared the area. We then applied our state-of-the-art / innovative waterproofing solution to penetrate the concrete floor- to- wall joint and seal permanently from inside. Disruptive and expensive exterior digging/excavation -- for a perimeter drain -- was not necessary after installing our innovative system. We solved the ...
November 15, 2021 | West Hartford, CT
On the floor we repaired multiple cracks, holes and dents, then waterproofed / re-surfaced the floor slab (floor-overlaying). On the walls we build-up and re-surfaced the wall with our unique modified-mortar material. We then applied our state-of-the-art / innovative waterproofing solution to deeply penetrate the foundation wall and floor- to- wall joint. ...
May 13, 2021 | Madison, CT
We first ground the crack and scarify the area. We then widen the crack increase the surface for sealing. The area was then primed. When then injected with crack with Infiltrete. Finally, we waterproofed and sealed it, applying a top finishing coat. The process restored the concrete so that it ...
Total: 19